Capitol Chapter offers teacher training geared specifically to the Good News Club teacher. We look at one entire 6 week series at a time. This means we meet about every 6 weeks though holidays will spread it out. This year things have been different due to Covid. Please check out our calendar for exact times and location.

We also offer training seminars in local churches which are helpful to anyone teaching children who want to be more effective teachers. Because our goal is to serve the church and the local community, we offer these classes at no charge to the church or the students.

Periodically we hold a 30 hour training course (TCE 1) of intense instruction in how to prepare a Good News Club from start to finish with emphasis on evangelism. This is invaluable training for anyone who desires to teach children effectively incorporating every aspect of their program to teach and reinforce lesson applications. While it's emphasis is on the GNC program it is very applicable to any kind of class for children whether Sunday School, VBS, or even a summer camp. If you would like to see a course overview please check it out here.

Please contact us if you are interested in either attending one of our trainings or even possibly hosting one at your church.